The Department of "Chemical technology" was founded in 1969. The founder of the Department doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor O. G. Tarakanov-Sorich. In different years the chair was headed by candidate of chemical Sciences, associate Professor p. A. Okunev, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor A. D. Mitrofanov, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor E. V. Ermolaeva. Currently, head of the Department – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Yuri Terentyevich Panov.
The teaching staff of the Department: 2 professors, 3 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 1 assistant/
The Department trains bachelors and masters in the areas of "Chemical technology", "Energy and resource - saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology" in full-time and correspondence forms of training. The Department has a postgraduate course.
Teaching staff of the Department
1. Panov Yuriy Terentievich – head of the Department, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor
2. Khristoforova Irina Alexandrovna – Professor, doctor of technical Sciences
3. Yermolaeva Elena Vadimovna – Associate Professor, candidate of technical Sciences
4. Zemskova Valentina Timofeevna – Associate Professor, candidate of technical Sciences
5. Pikalov Evgeniy Sergeevich – Associate Professor, candidate of technical Sciences
6. Chizhova Larisa Anatolievna – Senior lecturer
7. Tinakov Evgeniy Alexandrovich - assistant
Direction of training
Department of chemical technologies provides training in areas of bachelor:
18.03.01 "Chemical technology" on the profile "technology and processing of polymers" (budget, contract, full - time and part-time (including on the basis of str and HPE) forms of training);
Post-graduate specialties of the Department:
18.04.01 Technology and processing of polymers and composites in the direction 18.06.01 Chemical technology
02.00.06 high-molecular connections in the direction 04.06.01 Chemical Sciences
05.23.05 Building materials and products in the direction 08.06.01 Technics and technologies of construction
Directions of scientific research of the Department
The main directions of scientific research of teachers and employees of the Department:
1. Polymer composite materials: production technology, processing, research of technological and operational properties.
2. Polymer membranes: development of technology of receiving, modifying, studying of properties.
3. Mathematical modeling of the processes of obtaining and processing of polymeric materials.
4. Ceramics: development of compositions with the given characteristics, technologies of obtaining ceramic products, study of properties.
5. Polymer and ceramic compositions using recycled materials and industrial waste
International activity
The Department of chemical technologies conducts active and fruitful international activities aimed at developing and strengthening ties with leading foreign universities in the field of educational activities and research.
In 2010, the Department participated in the international program TEMPUS. Within the framework of this program, in cooperation with the leading European universities – University of Genoa (Italy), Slovak University of technology (Bratislava), University of London (Great Britain) – and with the participation of a number of Russian universities, an educational program for training masters in water resources management was developed. Undergraduate students of the Department were trained abroad, and after graduation, defending the final work in the presence of representatives of the European Commission, received diplomas not only VlSU, but also the University of Genoa (Italy).
In 2013, the Department won another project under the same TEMPUS program:"lifelong learning and master's degree in innovative technologies for energy saving and environmental control in Russian universities with the participation of employers". In this project, among the foreign partners of the Department were the University of Genoa (Italy), Silesian University of technology (Katowice, Poland), University of Alicante (Spain). The Department has repeatedly hosted foreign delegations within the framework of this project. Teachers of European universities lectured and conducted seminars for students and teachers of the Department, which contributed to a significant increase in the level of quality training.
Within the framework of both programs, sets of manuals were prepared for undergraduates studying in the areas of "Chemical technology", "Energy and resource - saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology".
Currently, the Department is actively working to find and develop new contacts and comprehensive cooperation with foreign universities. To this end, students and teachers annually participate in international conferences and forums both in Russia and abroad.
Material and technical base
The chair "Chemical technologies" has:
3 classrooms equipped with multimedia equipment;
9 specialized laboratories equipped with the equipment necessary for educational process and research (laboratories of organic chemistry, chemistry and physics of polymers, General chemical technology, processes and apparatus of chemical technology, automation of chemical processes, 2 laboratories of plastics processing technologies, laboratory of organosilicon polymers, membrane technologies);
computer classroom with access to the educational server of VlSU and Internet, equipped with multimedia equipment and interactive whiteboard.
Department of chemical technology is located in the main building of the University at the address: Gorky street, 87